Welcome to Kibera Mpira Mtaani (KIMMTA). We are a community based organization located in the Kibera slums, Nairobi, Kenya. The Kibera slums house over 1 million people, mainly young families that have come to Nairobi in search of a better life and work in the city. Many have come from more rural areas where their families have lived for many years. Unfortunately work and facilities are scarce here and most families are reduced to living in corrugated iron and mud-walled huts, with very little money and access to, what many consider basic facilities such as food, sanitation, healthcare and education.
This is the need that KIMMTA comes in to address. Through collaboration and partnerships, we have had different interventions to reach out and empower the Kibera community. We do this by enabling children and young people directly and indirectly.

KIMMTA has over the years grown to be a robust and vital part of daily life for the young children who learn at our center. The growth and development of the organization can be attributed to the support of our friends, partners and the community as a whole.

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    This process gives the children a feeling of ownership and inclusivity over the charities

    Kimta Evening Tuition

    In our after-school program, we live to give our pupils the opportunity to explore our library materials/resources to meet their scholarly needs.

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    affordable and an early start for the children was and still is the idea behind the KIMMTA ECDE program. Due to the support of partners, friends and the community members,

    ECD Class

    Giving parents and the Kibera community a platform to provide positive, quality,

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    This number is slightly higher for Kibera, being an informal settlement within an urban area. Social vices such as crime and drug abuse pose a great challenge in the

    Kimta Girls Empowerment

    “Knowledge is POWER!!!” The world’s population and demographic statistics show that 33% of entire

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    At the center of every individual there is a playful side. More so for children. It is a fact that for healthy growth and development, children need adequate time to play. We at KIMMTA engage children from all over Kibera through soccer because it is a favorite to so many. In addition, we have recently adopted other forms of sports like netball and ‘touch rugby’ to our routine thus encouraging diversity. Our target today is to give children a reason to smile, have fun, and develop their talents through soccer and other outdoor activities. In Kibera we have very few open and public spaces for children to play. However, we have been lucky enough to have THE BOO as our sport partner and also friends likeTHE BANDA SCHOOL and THE ROYAL AIRFORCE, UKprovide us with training gear and equipment like balls, boots and jerseys. The Boo, a UK based organization, has had provisions for us in terms of paying for a local spaceand a coach to train our children every weekend. Activities • Junior Sports – We play Soccer as the main sport. There are two sections; girls and boys soccer teams. We have different categories based on age groups. The boys are headed by a male coach and the girls have a female coach. This has proved useful especially when addressing arising issues like menstrual hygiene, girls open up more to a female coach than a male one. • Mentorship– When the games break during training, we are able to have discussions with the learners to give motivation, inspiration and values using facilitation. We also design some of the game activities to illustrate situations and scenarios which result in learning experiences. • Tournaments – we believe in the power of collaboration. In so doing we have been able to hold a number of soccer tournaments in partnership with other organizations. The tournaments have always attracted a large number of participants and spectators from all over Kibera. It is our plan and hope that with the reduction of the COVID-19 infection rates in Kenya, we shall soon resume sport activities and hold more tournaments.


    KIMMTA GIRLS AND BOYS SPORTS – “All work without PLAY makes Jack a dull boy.”

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