Giving parents and the Kibera community a platform to provide positive, quality, affordable and an early start for the children was and still is the idea behind the KIMMTA ECDE program. Due to the support of partners, friends and the community members, The KIMMTA ECDE center and program became operational in 2012. The Education center houses five rooms, three serve as classrooms for the ECDE, one is the kitchen and the other a coordination area.
Since its inception, the program has mainly been sponsored by The Boo Charity (UK). We have received averagely 35 children per year to establish, manage and support sustainable quality pre-schools offering holistic development opportunities to young children. Our staff include three trained teachers, one cook, a cleaner and two volunteers who come in on a regular basis. The school also engages actively with Government and relevant civil society organizations in the creation of policies and sharing of good practices regarding young children’s education and development.
The parents support the school by pay the education offered at our center is one of the highest qualities in Kibera. This is because the teachers in our school are trained according to the government regulations and are highly qualified. We monitor the progress of our children as they join primary school and we are proud to say they perform well above average.
We have a variety of fun games and activities which make learning lively. Our children get a lively environment to explore and nature their interest using the playgroup learning materials. This gives our ECDE center a great advantage since the combined play and learning experience is one of a kind.
Three meals a day is a challenge to most families in Kibera. Breakfast and lunch are offered at the school thanks to The Boo Charity. This is well received by the parents who turn up in large numbers at the beginning of every school year to book positions for their children. Our diet is well balance and after some time, we are able to note positive health changes.

With the help of partners, we have been able to have exchange programs where our children visit schools like The Banda and Montessori Learning center. With this kind of exposure, we are able to provide a competent learning experience to the children at KIMMTA ECDE. We have also had trips to the animal orphanage and fun outings with the support of the parents.